Another week .. another soup for your taste buds.  Pan seared Prawn Pumpkin soup for you this week. That’s right I’m rinsing my last bit of leftover pumpkin from Halloween and creating something new. I must say I’ve totally underestimated the use of Pumpkins! Soups don’t have to be boring, add your own spices to it to get it to a palatable level. I freeze my leftover soups in dedicated ice cube trays and love to pop out (shaped as ice cubes) the quantity I need when required and defrost them whenever I feel like having something warm.  The beauty of frozen soups is...

Soup season has arrived ohhh my people!  Thaw your senses with a bowl of homemade soup! There will be no recipes of bland soups up in here! Only tasty, lick your bowls Oliver Twist style ‘Sir .. please may I have some more? ‘ kinda soup fest! I absolutely love tasty soups, they are warm, comforting and are perfect as a starter for your dinner menu courses. Christmas is just around the corner & with the mandatory 4 weeks UK lockdown which may or may not be extended until Christmas, it’s time to start planning your festive menu and incorporate simple yet tasty...

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